Tasha, Tena, and Tara all work with the healing arts. This has become more of a passion with each year that goes by. Whether you are wanting to heal your heart, your body or you life, it is our hope that we can help you with some of the varied modalities and options for you. Stay tuned as we continue to add to this page. WIngs to Heal is all about Body, Mind, and your own relationship with Spirit, God, Divine.
Cranial Sacral Massage works with the structures of the central nervous system including the skull, the cranial sutures, the cerebrospinal fluid, membranes of the brain and the connection between the vertebrae, spinal cord and the sacrum. Trauma can be held in the body and interrupt the pulse of fluids which inhibiting normal rythm.
Myofascial release therapy is a form of massage that gently helps release the myofascial tissue. Emotions, trauma, tightness, and pain can be held in the fascia. This seemingly gentle work, can actually achieve deep release physically and emotionally.
Swedish massage with oil is what we sometimes call a fluff and buff. This is not as therapeutic but add some essential oils and you will find yourself in a relaxed state.This can be deep tissue, or just a head to toe rub down.
Healing Arts
The practice of concentrating the mind on an external or internal object or idea. One may practice while sitting in a chair, lying down or even while physically active. Any activity can be a meditation provided you retain single pointed focus, however, a regular place and time where the distractions are minimal and where you can go everyday to the same place to sit in an upright position and LET BE is highly recommended. As practiced in class, you may start with watching the breath and staying present with the body, mind and spirit relationship as you breathe. According to yogic philosophy- the true magic of oneness with God, Truth, Universe, can only be experienced beyond space and time.
Do not attempt to name or catch this space- the very essence of trying or seeking will limit you. Dhyana is meditation with an unbroken flow of thought towards God. At first you will need to start with Dharana and be patient. Fixing the mind on an object, a candle, a Yantra, a tree, whatever you choose, keep your focus on that object or activity. Some hang material, or even change the pantry into a small mediation space. This does not have to be the same place you do your physical practice. In the world and lifestyle we live today, the best way to meditate is to become the observer and to learn how to be present in the “Here and Now” of whatever actions you are participating in.
Experiment with your seated posture, to find what best works for you. The most important element is that the spine is in alignment. Try to make sure you are not straining and over using the back muscles to sit upright. Some of you may prefer lying on your back, or in your favorite chair. As many people there are in the world, are as many ways there are to sit. Allow your body to adjust, and you will eventually find that position and place that works for you.
Healing Arts
Movement for anyone can be healing. Free dance is where we move in a non-structured way. Music, themes, and locations will vary, but the theme will always be the same. Move and let be. We move like no one’s watching. There are no expectations in these classes. We create a safe environment for your body and soul to move however you end up moving.
These classes will include a short meditation, breathwork and relaxation at the end. Free dance as a technical term was a 2oth century dance form that preceded modern dance. I am just using the term free, as I hope you will feel free, move free, breathe free and BE FREE with this fun class for ALL levels ages and abilities.
Healing Arts
This is a new inspiration for a gathering where we will move to live music.If you play an instrument, bring it along or you can come to dance. We want to create a space for collaborative art. You can come to dance, or to play an instrument. We only live once. Lets connect and have some fun.
Healing Arts
The essence of your survival, and the one thing we cannot live without. The science of the physical practice of yoga can only be truly experienced when united with the power of breath. Pranayama could be translated as life-force. There are many techniques. Initially one should learn the chest to belly breath, for many this breath is sufficient for a lifetime.
The true science of the breath’s effects and benefits are best learned through experience. This means to actually apply the practice of breath-work. Breath is never something we master, breath is to be experienced.
Tasha has been working with Sari Terusa at Transformational Studies Institute with Transmutational Breathwork that she has been doing for over thirty years. Breath truly is the gift of life.
Healing Arts
Tasha believes in truly knowing one’s needs and uniquely crafting programs and adaptations for that individual. Everyone has different needs, bodies, and capabilities. What are the needs? What are the intentions? What is the level of commitment? Tasha believes in fitting yoga to the individual, not the individual to yoga.
Yoga simply can be defined as “Union,” “To Bind” or “Harmony.” Yoga is a way of life that brings us to oneness with the Divine, Self, God, Spirit, Source, Creator of all that is, Universal energy or whatever you would like to call that mystical something which resides when the bond is manifested. Yoga is not a religion, or simply bodily contortions and stretching. Yoga is a philosophy that extends back some five thousand years. It seems the world is reaching out for yoga to find peace in their life, as a way to exercise and tone their body, or as a way to heal from pain or disease. One may not even know what they are looking for, and fall upon a chest full of treasures that can be discovered within their own lives or body. Unfortunately, many associate Yoga with being flexible, being able to stand on their head, or tie your legs in a knot. In trying to achieve these goals, people are getting hurt, and misunderstanding the true essence of what can actually be attained with a disciplined Yoga practice. Yoga provides liberation from your conditioned self-procured reality towards absolute freedom, a healthy body, less pain, less stress, less anxiety, less worries of tomorrow and the ability to live in a HERE and NOW TODAY. If any of this sounds appealing to you, then the world of yoga is for you. Peace on earth starts with each individual manifesting it in their own lives.
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